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Royalty Collection and Distribution

Keeping track of where and how a song is being used

  • 2 hours
  • Amunson Audio

Service Description

Our Tracking and Collecting service ensures meticulous monitoring of how your music is utilized, whether in physical or digital formats, public performances, or synchronization with visual media. We gather due royalties from diverse sources such as streaming platforms, radio stations, live performances, and licensing agreements. Verifying data accuracy and payments is paramount to guaranteeing creators receive fair compensation for their compositions. Our effective mechanisms ensure transparency in royalty distribution, ensuring artists and copyright holders are rightfully compensated based on the actual usage and popularity of their music.. Our Accounting service provides transparent and detailed disclosure on how royalty amounts are calculated, including specifying income sources, deductions, and any applicable fees. We offer comprehensive statements outlining the specific usage of musical works, whether through streaming, sales, performances, or licensing. Our goal is to ensure that artists have a clear understanding of how their music generates revenue and how royalties are calculated and distributed, empowering them with financial clarity and transparency in their music publishing endeavors. Our Distribution service handles the dissemination of collected royalties to respective copyright holders. This entails gathering funds from diverse sources like streaming platforms, record sales, public performances, and licensing agreements. We meticulously determine the rightful share of each copyright holder based on the ownership structure of the musical work, which may involve multiple songwriters, publishers, or contributors. Subsequently, we distribute the accumulated royalties to the appropriate parties as per the agreed-upon terms and percentages. Efficient distribution is paramount to ensure that artists and copyright holders promptly and accurately receive their fair share of earnings based on the usage of their musical compositions.

Cancellation Policy

Clients must cancel at least 24 hours before scheduled appointment begins to receive a full refund on their deposit.

Contact Details

  • 512 14th Street Southeast, Rochester, MN, USA


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